Here are some of the most common questions our customers have. If you don't see your question here please call us on 1-888-683-2838! We'd love to talk with you about your specific project.

How does EnviroPaving stand up in the winter?
The product has an excellent track record where temperatures range from -50 celsius to +50 celsius in 7 Canadian provinces and several US States. The products flexibility makes it an excellent candidate to replace or resurface areas that are prone to ice or compacted snow that causes slip and fall hazards.
Is it easy to shovel?
Yes, just like your tires are designed to shed snow and ice. So is EnviroPaving. A plastic shovel is sufficient, but a snow blower is fine to use as well.
How do I clean my new surface?
Simply use a garden hose or a light pressure wash. Soaps and mild detergents are completely safe as well. If someone spills something that appears to stain the surface use your favourite tire cleaner.
Is there anything that can hurt my new surface?
Enviropaving driveways are extremely durable. Anything your tires can take your driveway can handle as far as chemicals, but there are a couple of things that can do some damage. Enviropaving driveways should not be cleaned with skid steers.
How long can I expect my Enviropaving surface to last?
Enviropaving surfaces are durable and meant to last a very long time. Unlike concrete or asphalt we offer a 5 year warranty. We have been installing across Canada since 2009 and in the USA since 2011, so we know they are still holding up strong after 15 years.
Do I have to tear out my existing concrete or asphalt?
You don't have to tear your old cracked concrete or asphalt driveway out! With Enviro Paving we use 100% recycled tire rubber and pour it on top of the existing surface.
Does EnviroPaving adhere to wood?
Yes. Enviropaving performs well when applied over wood. Some common applications over wood are patios, pool decks, and walkways.